Leading Partner

  • BPI is a non-profit, Public Entity Research Institute, operating  under the supervision of the Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food and dedicated to plant health protection since 1929. It is certified to be in conformance with ISO-9001.
  • BPI is the key Institute in the country for the phytosanitary control of quarantine pests. Lately it has been nominated by the Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food as the Reference Institute for conducting surveys and editing national reports  on quarantine pests..
  • BPI operates the leading ‘Plant Clinic’ in the country, receiving and processing more that 2000 samples, annually.
  • BPI has four Research Departments, namely Plant Pathology, Entomology & Agricultural Zoology, Weed Science and finaly Pesticide Control & Phytopharmacy. The later is unique in Greece, and has three ISO/EN-17025 certified laboratories (Pesticides Toxicology, Physical & Chemical Analysis of Pesticides and Pesticide-Residues).
  • BPI employs 45 full-time researchers on plant pathology (including non-parasitic disorders), entomology, weed science, toxicology and pesticides control. Lately, a significant number of young qualified research associates have been added to the scientific staff of the Institute.
  • BPI premises are approx. 19.000 m2, with 5.000 m2 of lab facilities, and 1.000 m2 of greenhouse facilities for experimental purposes.
  • A € 7M investment in equipment is completed from capital funds, which will enable the Institute to take its place among the leading National Research Organizations [e.g. 1 Real time-PCR, 1 LC-MS (TOF), 5LC-MS-MS, 3 C-MS-MS with headspace autosamplers, 8 GC (ECD, NPD, PFPD, FID), 4 HPLC (DAD, FLD), 1 ATOMIC ABSORPTION, 2 Microwave Extraction Digestion devices, Spectrophotometers & Spectrofluorimeters, one fully equipped Histology Laboratory etc].
  • BPI conducts evaluation and editing of pesticides and biocides monographs as rapporteur member state for the active substances prepared in the context of the first inclusion in Annex I of the Council Dir. 91/414 EEC (http://forum.europa.eu.int/Members/irc/sanco/pest/library).
  • The dynamic profile of the Institute is completed through established collaborations with national and international academic/research institutes, in the context of  European or national funding schemes.
  • Several research competitive projects have been or are being carried out by the staff of BPI in the frame of: 1) FP-7 LIFE+ Projects (EcoPest, HydroSense) 2) FP-6 Projects (PEPEIRA, Truefood) 3) EU-GR Projects such as Hellenic Aid with Palestine, Bilateral projects: GR-France, GR-Tunisia, GR-Albania , 4) National Projects co-funded by the Industry 5) other projects funded by the Hellenic General Secretariat of Research and Technology (e.g. AKMON, PAVET, etc.).
  • Researchers of the Institute participate in expert panels of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), international organizations, (e.g. FAO-WHO, CIPAC), EU expert groups and national control bodies.

  • BPI provides services and expertise to stakeholders, such as Agricultural Cooperatives, Water Supply Companies, and several Ministries.
  • BPI is a member of the network of EFSA competent organisations operating in the fields within EFSA’s mission and a mandated body for the DG Enlargement Activities and has participated in several Twinning Projects.
  • BPI has its own publications which include books, manuals and handbooks; it publishes its own scientific Journal entitled “Hellenic Plant Protection Journal’’ ,which covers research work on plant protection and related enviromental issues.
  • Approximately 100 articles have been published in peer review Journals by the scientific personnel of the Institute the last two years.