Title: Development of Benaki Phytopathological Institute as a Centre of Excellence in Plant Health and Crop Protection

Acr: BPI Plant-Heal 230010 [FP7-REGPOT-2008-1-01]

      The basic concept of BPI Plant-Heal is the scientific and technological reinforcement of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute, Greece (BPI) towards utilization of novel techniques for integrated pest management and sustainable crop production. BPI is a non-profit, Public Entity Research Institute dedicated to plant health protection since 1929.The aim of the current project is to establish this already high-quality National Research Institute as a European Plant Health Centre of Excellence. Specifically, BPI Plant-Heal is targeting towards the development of highly efficient crop protection means and strategies with simultaneous management of any related risks, according to the EU and international guidelines. The project will further support the research being carried out by BPI in  the fields of plant/pathogen or pest/natural enemy interactions using innovative approaches, such as genomics and metabolomics . Furthermore, the project will enhance BPI’s capabilities to conduct pest risk analysis of indigenous and exotic quarantine pests. BPI aims at performing fundamental research of the highest standards in an environmentally safe manner and with great care to the public needs.

Duration:    36 months

Starting Date:   1-5-2009

Total Budget: 1,038,904.80    EC Contribution: 902,310.00